Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Book Review: Delirium (Lauren Oliver)

Delirium (Delirium, #1)

By: Lauren Oliver
Genres: Romance (Love), Young Adult, Sci-Fi (Dystopia), Adventure

Ninety-five days, and then I'll be safe. I wonder whether the procedure will hurt. I want to get it over with. It's hard to be patient. It's hard not to be afraid while I'm still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn't touched me yet. Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't.

Delirium has been on my list for AGES. I even got to the point where I bought the PHYSICAL book....and still, it sat on my desk/shelf for a good two months. I only picked it up because of an EpicReads' post about the best last lines of books. Delirium was obviously on the list/video lol.

I must say, I REALLY wasn't disappointed. Typically, when I hear about how good a book or movie is my expectations go through the roof....and then come crashing back down to earth and are shattered. I flew through the 400 something pages in less than 24 hours...and Sophie was staying with us. Thankfully, she understands my obsession and is basically at home in my house.....She feeds herself, plays Xbox with my brother, goes through my fridge, I mean, it's basically like having a part-time sibling.

Anyway, back to the review.

I loved this book and I can honestly see why it was graced with the pearl-glittery inside cover...It was so great. I can only take the time to read the first one (even though I've gotten the rest of the trilogy) because of a little thing called 'responsibility' and 'my mom is threatening my life if I don't get back on schedule'.  I thought it was fast-paced, but it may just have been the fact that I wanted there to be MORE pages.

While I did guess a big plot detail, I was totally okay with it because this book makes you eager to turn the next page. It makes you skip paragraphs to get to the good parts, and then have to skip back because you missed something. It makes you fall in love and get frustrated and heartbroken and then fall in love again. It gives you hope and scares the crap out of you. It makes you remember why you ever loved reading in the first place. And I really hope that Grace comes back because she's one of my favorite characters.

I'm going to keep this review rather short because it WASN'T a requested book, but really, if you like dystopia/love/romance/Giver-ish books, buy Delirium....You will NOT regret it....

Delirium gave ME the disease. (I'm sorry, that was so cheesy).

A  bit of free advice: Buy this book online. I bought this book IN the Barnes and Noble store FOR TEN FREAKING DOLLARS, but when I was looking for the links for you guys they had it listed in paperback EVERYWHERE FOR SIX DOLLARS OR LESS! For two more dollars that I paid I could have purchased a HARD COVER! Nooo, whyyyy?! Still, #noregrets I loved this book. I shall ask for physical copies for an acceptable holiday.

I have to go before it gets any worse...Keep your noses in the pages and I will blog yeewww laterrr!

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