Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Why does the blog's navigation bar look so weird?!?!??!?!?!

Ahhhhh, yessss, that. Well, just yesterday, I wrote our Review Policy, and I felt that it needed to be up on the navigation bar........well.....that just ruined EVERYTHING! And....the blogger that I got the template and tutorial from is apparently doing blog maitenence......so yeah, everything is probably going to look like garbage, unless, by some miracle, I figure out how I messed it up so badly and fix it.....
...Yeah...it'll be messed up for a while..

*sigh* sO MuCh fOr ReaDinG tOdaY!

Blog you later, I guessssss. Gosh, I'm so annoyed.

1 comment :

  1. Blogger is a weird blog host. It's very finicky. Good luck getting everything in order :)


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